Recent Projects

A sampling of Martin Ogle’s talks, workshops and projects, and work with Lafayette Open Space



Green building as part of a Land Ethic – public  program

This program began by placing the topic of green building in the context of Aldo Leopold’s “Land Ethic” through the showing of the video Advancing the Land Ethic: The Leopold Center.  Then participants were provided with the basics of how we make homes and commercial buildings much less energy intensive, made of more sustainable materials, to be fire resistant and more.  This was a collaborative program between Lafayette Open Space, Thorne Nature Experience and the Colorado Green Building Guild.

Testimonial: Martin Ogle organized a public program entitled “Green Building as Part of a Land Ethic” that made connections between the implementation of green building practices and how we think about our relationship to land and life.  

The event served as an excellent introduction to the work of the Colorado Green Building Guild and green building design principles.  And it enabled participants to see many of these principles through the new building of the Thorne Nature Experience in Lafayette.   This information was set in the context of the Land Ethic of Aldo Leopold through Martin’s introduction and a video that showed how the Aldo Leopold Foundation was inspired by a deep conservation philosophy to build one of the greenest buildings in the world.

The program provided information on resources that can assist individuals in transitioning towards a more energy-efficient, eco-friendly design for their residences. As an architect, it was interesting to see many of the principles I’ve worked with in my high-performance building design work, translated in an easy-to-understand way for a non-professional audience.

We need more programs like this to create an informed citizenry that not only knows about green building methods and technologies but how our human relationship to Earth guides and informs us in green building decisions.               John Salisbury, Architect



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Fall, 2024

The following and much more:  A) Lafayette birds! -monthly bird walks at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve and Waneka Lake; B) 11th Annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” festival.  20 exhibits and activities from the community ranging from live birds of prey to art activities and much more;   C) Native Clays. A collaboration between Open Space and the Lafayette Cultural Arts Commission that explored the geology of clays and how they are harvested and used for pottery and other uses;  D) Hidden Stories of Waneka Lake walks – in collaboration with the Lafayette  Historical Society.




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Summer, 2024

The following and much more:  A) Beauprez Barn Tour – a periodic tour of the barn that was on the last dairy farm in Lafayette, CO;  B) Programs for Rec Center campers at the Outdoor Classroom Open Space;  C)Tunes and Tales – storytelling  and music performances at the Outdoor Classroom amphitheater;  D) Hidden Stories of Waneka Lake walks – monthly walks around Waneka Lake; a collaboration between Open Space and Lafayette Historical Society.





Geo sapiens: The Earth-wise Human – a talk for the Boulder Rotary Club, May 3, 2024 

– This talk follows the Rotary Club’s support for the ALL Careers initiative.   In this talk, I opened with the premise that we need to think of ourselves as “Geo sapiens” – Earth-wise Humans – to best grapple with age-old questions of truth and meaning and with weighty new challenges.  I gave an overview of our new scientific understandings of Earth as a living system, explored ancient and new metaphors this evokes and suggested how a new view of ourselves might be the key to addressing climate change and other challenges.  I suggested that we need to: 1) vastly step up environmental literacy; 2) nurture optimism and confidence; and 3) apply environmental understanding to everything we do, including ALL Careers.

Testimonial:  Martin Ogle’s terrific presentation to the Boulder Rotary Club was very much appreciated by our members. His observations about the ever-increasing importance of sustainability in our society and the need for all students to be versed in the principles of environmental sustainability was eye-opening to our members.   We applaud and support the work that Martin is doing with the All Careers initiative and look forward to ongoing opportunities to support this good work.     Jim Rudosky, Boulder Rotary Club



Connecting Green Business Mentors with Youth in Boulder County Event at Lafayette Library April 24, 2024

This panel discussion involved 5 businesses in Boulder County that are “going green” and high school students from local high schools as well as the audience.   The event was supported by 21 local businesses and organizations, including the Boulder Chamber.  The 5 businesses on the panel were:  JAX Outdoor Gear / Home and Ranch Stores; Yellow Barn Farm; Upslope Brewing Company; Colorado Earth; and Namaste Solar.   The introduction included information on the ALL Careers initiative.

Testimonial: “Connecting Youth and Green Business Mentors in Boulder County” was an inspiring gathering. Produced by Martin Ogle, the founder of Entrepreneurial Earth, this forum was designed to encourage students to pursue environmental sustainability careers in a wide variety of industries. I was proud to hear Boulder Chamber member companies, such as Namaste Solar and Upslope Brewing, speak about their commitment to environmentally sustainable business practices.   I took particular interest in the insights from the executive director of Yellow Barn Farm who spoke about regenerative agriculture practices that contribute to healthy mycelium colonies.  Like the link that fungal mycelium makes between soil and plants in a healthy ecosystem, businesses don’t grow and thrive in a vacuum. They are nurtured through the link between individual ingenuity, strong strategic plans and an array of support services, complimentary businesses and mentorships.    John Tayer, President / CEO, Boulder Chamber



10th Year of Energy Programs with Centaurus HS 

Since 2013 (with the exception of 2 years during COVID) I have presented energy programs for Centaurus High School Engineering Department (in Lafayette, CO).  For most of these years, this has included an indoor talk on the basics of energy, including in human systems and living systems, and preceded the classes’ energy unit.





Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Spring, 2024 

The following and much more:  A) Kneebone poetry and journaling program at Kneebone Open Space at Spring Equinox; B) Earth Day at The Shack, featuring nature journaling:  C)  “Patterns in Nature” photography in the outdoors program along Coal Creek; and D) “Lafayette birds!” – our monthly bird-watching session at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve and Waneka Lake Park.





Geo sapiens talks during Spring, 2024


During March and April, I gave a number of talks under the title “Geo sapiens; The Earth-wise Human” to Green Teach for Opportunity, the Student Sustainability Summit (University of MD), Friends Farm and Naropa University






Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space,

Winter, 2023 – 24 

including the following and much more:  A) Reception recognizing award from CAEE for Lafayette’s long-standing “Lafayette birds!” program and the renewal of our “Bird City” designation;   B) Programs for all Peak to Peak High School 9th graders on “Living systems and the ALL Careers approach to education;  C) Programs with Escuela Bilingue Pioneer on nature journaling; and D) “Brisk Walks” in Open Spaces – to get moderate exercise and learn about the area.




Gaia Theory: Model & Metaphor for the 21st Century, Nov. 30, 2023

A talk at Lafayette Library on the Gaia Paradigm – the intersection of the best scientific understanding of Earth as a living system with cultural understandings (ancient and new) of human beings as a seamless continuum of that living system.  This program included music from two musicians from the Boulder Philharmonic and several short presentations by a CU scientist, a member of the Navaho Nation, and others.   This talk was attended by 130-140 people and has led to consideration of creating a larger event exploring the Gaia Paradigm.

Testimonial: As it becomes ever more evident that we must address climate change (and other large scale challenges),  it is also obvious that we need to do so in new and compelling ways.   I attended the enlightening program – “Gaia Theory; Model and Metaphor for the 21st Century” – and found it to be full of such new and compelling approaches.  As a lifelong member of the business community I was delighted to see that one of these approaches was that of basing all careers of the future on environmental understanding. (Two high school students spoke on their experiences in learning and advocating for this.)  But there were many other perspectives and ways of knowing brought to bear – scientific, cultural, and others – that were, themselves, couched in the context of understanding ourselves as part of a living planet.    I hope this kind of multi-faceted, yet highly contextual, exploration can continue to grow.   Paul Jerde, Retired, Executive Director for the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado.



10th Annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” Festival at Waneka Lake / Greenlee Wildlife Preserve in Lafayette, CO, September 17, 2023

this event was started in 2014 with the collaboration of “Environment for the Americas.” Over the past 10 years, this event has included a wide variety of exhibits and activities including live birds of prey, bird watching, games and other activities offered by local organizations, and much more.  In 2019, it included a celebration of Lafayette being named Colorado’s first “Bird City.” The 2023 10th anniversary event featured over 30 exhibits and activities.




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Fall , 2023 

the following and much more:  A) The 10th annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” Festival (see separate listing); B) “Hidden Stories Along Coal Creek” – a walk to discover human and natural history of Coal Creek; C) “Geology of Colorado” – a program at Lafayette Library presented by CU Geology Professor, Lon Abbott.





Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Summer, 2023

the following and much more:  A) “Tunes & Tales” Performance Series – 8 performances that included storytellers, musicians or both!;  B) “For Love of a Tree” – a walk and talk about the Cottonwood tree and its personal connection to my family;  C) “Lafayette birds!” –long-running first-Sunday bird walks and associated bird appreciation activities.   This program was recently awarded an “Innovations in Environmental Education” award from the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education; and D) “Creatures of the Creek” – a morning exploring the life along and in Coal Creek, presented in conjunction with Colorado Parks and Wildlife.




ALL careers contest recognition event, May 1, 2023

During the 2022-23 school year, I organized / implemented “ALL Careers contest” for students and teachers in the Boulder Valley School District and environmental educators in Boulder County.  An event was held at the Arts HUB in Lafayette on May 1, 2023 to celebrate contest winners and to further advance the ALL Careers approach to education in which environmental knowledge is explicitly connected to any and ALL Careers in our economy.



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Spring, 2023

 Lafayette Open Space programming during Spring,2023 included the following and much more:  A): A Brisk Walk starting at Flagg Park near Coal Creek – this program involves some moderate exercise with learning about the human and natural history of our place;  B) Chickens of Colorado – this program, held at JAX Ranch and Home, combines information on raising backyard chickens with an introduction to the “wild chickens” of Colorado – birds in the order Galliformes;  C) Energy and Life talks and walks w. Centaurus High School Engineering Students.  Walk explores Lafayette’s energy history;  D) “Earthday Everyday Festival” at Lafayette’s Rec Center / Outdoor Classroom Open Space



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Winter, 2022-23

Lafayette Open Space programming during Winter, 2022-23 included the following and much more:  A): “Geese of Colorado” – a talk at the library given with teen naturalist and birder, Owen Robertson;  B) “Giving Thanks in the Outdoors” – a walk at the Outdoor Classroom and Rothman Open Spaces to explicitly give thanks for the Earth’s life as the source of our own.  (At the Indigenous Lands circle, we read “Giving Thanks” by Chief Jake Swamp (see video); C) Holiday Crafts program at “The Collective,” Lafayette’s Art Center;  D) “Open Space as a Window into the Science of a Living Planet” – a talk at the library to explore how we encounter Earth System Science / Gaia Theory in our midst.


“Birds, Whales, Algae, & Earth’s Living System; One Seamless Continuum.”   A talk for the Boulder County Audubon Society’s 50th Anniversary event.   Nov. 22, 2022.

This program introduced Gaia Theory / Earth systems science and how it enables us to better understand and to create the best management for individual species on Earth.

Testimonial: “Powerful”, “thought-provoking”, and “inspiring”…these were some of the reactions to Martin Ogle’s talk at our Boulder Audubon members meeting in November 2022. Through stories, analogies and stunning graphics,  Martin illustrated the concept of the “Gaia Paradigm” – the interconnectedness of and interdependence of all things – including human societies – as a single living Earth system.  In a compelling and engaging manner. He showed us that humans have always been a seamless continuum of our living planet and demonstrated the need for people of all ages and in various professions to become stewards of Earth’s fragile ecosystems and limited resources.

After his talk we had 30 minutes of lively and wide-ranging discussion.  For future presentations by Martin, I would recommend including time afterwards for attendees to ask Martin more questions and then break up into small groups to continue discussing some of concepts in his talk. Carol Kampert, Program Committee, Boulder County Audubon Society

Testimonial: Martin recently came to Boulder County Audubon’s monthly speaker series and was specifically chosen to speak at our 50th Anniversary celebration in November 2022. It was a full house and Martin’s engaging program immediately drew the audience’s full attention. His presentation was a thoughtful and different perspective on the human relationship to nature, a non-traditional talk that approached relating to nature by being a part of, and connecting to it, the true definition of holistic. 

The audience was inspired and I could sense everyone wanting the evening’s lesson by Martin to continue. In 30 years of public programs, this evening by far had the most audience participation, with many thoughtful questions and discussions at the end of the program. I especially would love to see a series of future in-person seminars to bring myself and others to Martin’s level of consciousness about the Earth. With so much negativity in modern life and surrounding environmental trends, Martin provided me a measure of “inner peace” with an optimistic perspective reconciling scientific knowledge with heartfelt feelings about life on Earth.Scott Severs, President, Boulder County Audubon Society



Ecotober – a public sustainability event at Centaurus H.S. in Lafayette, CO.   October 2, 2022.

I helped the sustainability coordinators of Lafayette, Louisville and Superior with planning for this event and also coordinated the participation of 5 high school student groups as exhibitors.  The event was a success with about 1000 participants, over 50 exhibitors / activities, a visit by State Representative, Tracey Bernett, and much more.





Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Fall, 2022

 Lafayette Open Space.   Programming during Fall, 2022 included the following and much more:  A): 9th annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” festival at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve / Waneka Lake Park;  B): Walks on Open Spaces including “Hidden Stories of Coal Creek” during which we found a baby bullsnake; C): A bird-banding demonstration at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve; and D:  A “Holiday ornament-making workshop” at Lafayette’s community art studio, “The Collective.”




Our Relationship with Nature (Gaia & Indigenous Perspectives) – a Philosophy Symposia series in Helena, MT.   Sept. 23-25, 2022.

I presented 3 unique programs for Merlin CCC over a 3 day period in Sept., 2022:  1) “Gaia and Beer: Signs of a Living Planet” – a talk /discussion at Ten Mile Creek Brewery; 2) “Gaia Meets Indigenous Perspectives – a talk / discussion with Lailani Upham (educator, journalist, storyteller and environmentalist of the Blackfoot Nation) at the Holter Museum of Art; and 3) “Implications and Actions” – a field trip to Merlin Nature Preserve near Helena.

Testimonial: Where to begin?  Simply put, Martin was fantastic.  His command of the subject matter, professionalism and enthusiasm for the subject matter were remarkable.  He delivered on all counts — from preparation to execution.  Equally commendable were his openness and adaptability to consider the questions Gaia Theory raises, its foundations, logical implications, and moral imperatives from different vantage points.   Witty, smart, approachable, and humble, Martin is the real deal.  The ideas that he presented and invited us to all think about as part of our “Gaia & Indigenous Perspectives on Nature” Symposia series continue to be a topic of conversation in our community and have helped to expand and make important environmental, scientific and philosophical connections for many.– Marisa Diaz-Waian, Executive Director, Merlin CCC,  Helena MT



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Summer, 2022

 I continue to develop and provide programming for Lafayette Open Space.   Programming during Summer, 2022 included the following and much more:  A): Tour of the Beauprez Barn.   This barn, now an open space property, is from the last dairy in Lafayette;  B): Iinformal programming and activities at “The Shack” – Lafayette Open Space’s mini education station. (Left: The Shack open for public visitation); Right: a chickadee being banded during a bird-banding demonstration at The Shack); C): “Lafayette birds” – bird walks and instruction on the first Sunday of each month;  D:  “Creatures of the Creek” program with Colorado Parks and Wildlife.   Summer also included advances and work projects at the Waneka Centennial Farm.



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Fall, 2021 – Spring, 2022

A:  8th Annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” Festival; at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve / Waneka Lake;  B and C:  Intro event for educators about Lafayette Open Space’s new circuit of educational stations at the Outdoor Classroom Open Space; D “Earthday Every Day” Festival – a public event co-sponsored by Lafayette Open Space, Lafayette’s Sustainability Office and Pioneer Elementary School.




Ongoing work on the ALL Careers Initiative, Fall, 2021 – Spring, 2022

The ALL Careers initiative seeks to make explicit connections, especially for high school students, between environmental knowledge/concern and ALL Careers (not just that tiny part of the economy usually understood as “environmental careers).    Work from Fall 2021 to Spring, 2022 included:  A Colorado “watch party” of the video “Making a Living and a Life; Empowering young people with an ALL careers approach; ALL careers sessions for high school interns (see below); work with Peak to Peak High School students on producing ALL Careers Case Studies (one page reports on a wide variety of businesses and fields that are applying environmental principals to make their work/products sustainable; and more.




Work with high school interns as part of a cooperative effort between Wildlands Restoration Volunteers and Lafayette Open Space,  2021 – 2022.

A) Removing old barbed wire fences at the Waneka Centennial Farm; B) construction of an outdoor display plaque; C) Interns discover “The Shack” (Lafayette Open Space’s mini education station) at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve; D) Making apple cider as part of a farm education program.




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Spring and Summer, 2021 

A:  “Creatures of the Creek” program at Coal Creek – participants learn about the fish, macroinvertebrate and other life in and near the stream;  B-D: The Shack (Lafayette Open Space’s new mini-education station) continued to be an important location for letting people know about the human and natural history of Lafayette as well as energy and other sustainability concepts (picture B shows the “Energy Bike” that enables people to lean and feel the basics of how energy works in our lives.




Creation of the video: “Making a Living and a Life; Empowering young people with an ALL careers approach”   / Watch Parties

I worked with teen videographer to produce this video and then held a number of “virtual watch parties” to share it with audiences including environmental educators, my community (hosted by Louisville Library) and with people around Colorado.  Take a look at this video and share it with your community – Making a Living and a Life; Empowering young people with an ALL Careers approach – YouTube   (For more information on the ALL careers approach, search on “ALL Careers” in this Recent Projects page.




First phase of visioning for how the Waneka Centennial Farm may be developed as a community sustainability facility

Part of my contract for 2021 with Lafayette Open Space was to identify potential partners, themes and components that could be part of the development of the newly acquired Waneka Centennial Farm.  The overall possibilities that emerged were that many parts of our community will be able to learn about and actively engage with a wide variety of sustainability activities (around agriculture, energy, water, building techniques and linking parts of our community).   There is a strong interest in making the facility one in which youth can learn skills and engage with the rest of the community.



Virtual Programs for Layette, Colorado Open Space – Winter – Summer, 2020 – 2021   

Virtual Programs remained popular throughout most of the covid period.  These included:  1) “In the Eye of the Hawk” (based on a book I wrote before I left my position as Chief Naturalist for the Northern Va. Regional Parks; 2) “For Love of a Tree” (about the cottonwood tree); and 3) Mammals of Colorado (which was so popular that we scheduled a second showing).





Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Fall, 2020 – Winter, 2020/2021 

During this period of Covid, almost all Open Space educational activities were outdoors (except virtual programs – see above).   I also spent a lot of time at The Shack (Open Space’s new mini educational station) to share the area’s human and natural history with visitors.  Pictured: A:  Family visits to The Shack;  B: Volunteers who kept our bird feeders full and bird watching programs active;  C: 7th Annual “Celebrating Bird Migration” festival at Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve;  DThanksgiving walk at Outdoor Classroom and Rothman Open Spaces included a visit to Lafayette’s Indigenous Land Circle.




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Spring – Summer, 2020 –  The Shack – a project during COVID

When the Covid pandemic began disrupting life in March, 2020, Lafayette Open Space had just taken possession of a cabin-like shed that was to become a mini education station at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve.   This project had been planned over the winter and, in part because of the COVID situation, was able to come to quick fruition during the spring.  This structure was placed in an area that had been mowed grass and bare dirt and has quickly become an attractive area for education and an improved wildlife habitat through its many new plantings.   We named the cabin/shed “The Shack” after Aldo Leopold’s “Shack” – see History of “The Shack”

It is part of Lafayette Open Space’s “New Outdoor Movement” which encourages not only being outdoors for health and well-being, but for learning principles of life and as a source of inspiration and information for the design of a green economy (including through an ALL Careers approach to education (see next entry in “recent projects”).   .



Work on the ALL Careers approach to education

in “Recent Projects” entries, below, you will find many examples of talks and activities that I have led promoting the “ALL Careers approach” (search under “careers” and “making a living and a life”).  This is an effort to make explicit connections between environmental knowledge / concern and ALL  careers (not just the small segment of the economy made up of “environmental careers” as presently understood).    With a variety of partners, I am working to: 1)  empower and inspire young people with a solid sense of how they can contribute to the creation of a sustainable economy no matter what their skills or aptitudes (and therefore career direction); 2)  give these young people specific knowledge of how environmental principles and concern can be put to practical use whatever career direction they choose.

Over the past few months, we have created an ALL Careers binder (with a template sheet to create one-page entries of businesses that are using environmental principles to make what they do a part of a “Green Economy.” (Upper left); have launched a GoFundMe campaign to create a video on the ALL Careers approach.  We have reached our goal and are starting work on this project (lower left, and click here for more info); and held a number of outdoor sessions for students on this concept (pictures on right).




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space –Fall, 2019 – A variety of programs

Lafayette Open Space contracts with me to coordinate their education program (which I started almost 7 years ago).    The following are a sampling of programs during the Fall of 2019 (refer to picture):

Pictured: A & B: 6th Annual “Celebrating Bird Migration” festival at Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve;  C:  Pioneer Elementary School program at Outdoor Classroom; D: Energy and Life program with Centaurus High School at Lafayette Library.   

Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.




Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Summer, 2019

Lafayette Open Space contracts with me to coordinate their education program (which I started almost 7 years ago).    The following are a sampling of programs during the summer of 2019 (refer to picture):  A: Creatures of the Creek exploration of life in and around Coal Creek. B: Bat Walk at Waneka Lake; C: Sounds of Nature Program at Outdoor Classroom;  D: “Lafayette birds” – monthly bird walks /gathering at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve.

Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.



“From Homo sapiens to Geo sapiens; The quest for the Earth-wise human” – presentation at Yorktown High School, Arlington, VA – June 6, 2019.

Like other “Geo sapiens” presentations I have done, this talk forwarded the idea of thinking about ourselves differently – as being “Earth Wise” – through considering a name for our species.  In previous talks, I gave examples of discoveries and insights that underlie this new way of thinking.   In the presentation at Yorktown High School, I also proposed that we need to act upon a new view of ourselves by creating a new economy based on the knowledge of human systems as a seamless part of Earth systems.  At the high school level, this means connecting such knowledge with ALL careers; not just  careers traditionally thought of as “environmental careers.”  No matter what our skills, aptitudes and interests, the work we do can be part of healing the relationship between people and Nature as a whole.

Testimonial:  Martin Ogle delivered an outstanding presentation at Yorktown High School in Arlington, VA.  This talk, entitled “From Homo sapiens to Geo sapiens – The Quest for the Earth-wise Human,” was organized by EcoAction Arlington as a public event. Martin was very thoughtful and flexible in designing the format of the event to provide opportunities to engage a variety of community partners.  The presentation was very well received and generated robust discussion among attendees. We are looking forward to future opportunities to work with Martin.      Elenor Hodges, Executive Director, EcoAction Arlington



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space –Spring 2019 – A variety of programs

Lafayette Open Space contracts with me to do educational programming, displays and written materials.   The department is very progressive in terms of the variety of programming it supports.   The following programs during the spring of 2019 are an example of this variety.   Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.

Pictured: A: Field trip for Centaurus High School Engineering students on Lafayette’s energy history as seen through Open Space;  B: Program at Lafayette library on reptiles and amphibians of Boulder County; C: Trailhead education stations;  D: Mothers Day walk.



Presentation at and assistance with the 3rd Annual Environmental Leadership Summit at Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO – April 12, 2019

For the past 3 years, I have presented at and helped a bit with the planning process for this student-driven event.  I have made presentations on the “ALL Careers approach” and students chose to reflect/describe the summit in 2019 using “ALL Careers verbiage”  (see   All 3 Environmental Leadership Summits so far have offered a great mix of describing the problems/challenges we face with ideas, examples and discussion about how to create a new, sustainable economy.    This is one of the best examples I have seen of high school students taking their own education and future into their own hands.

Testimonial: Martin Ogle was a founding presenter for the Environmental Leadership Summit- designed by high school students to address the needs of high school students interested in STEM, entrepreneurship, leadership, and environmental sustainability. From our first contacts with Martin, he engaged deeply with our student and staff sponsors to add depth, mission, and targeted purpose to the Environmental Leadership Summit. He was also a presenter and keynote speaker. His session on “Making Every Career and Environmental Career” was highly rated by our students every year Martin presented. Martin is great to work with and helped us take our event to the next level in nearly every way. We owe him a great deal of thanks.   – Nick Peterson, Fossil Ridge High School, Environmental Leadership Summit


Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Winter/Spring 2019 – “Lafayette birds!”

2019 has started off with some great programs on birds, as we continue our “Lafayette birds!” initiative and head towards certification of Lafayette as Colorado’s first “Bird City.”   Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.

Pictured: A: “Flying WILD” Workshop, presented by Colorado Parks & Wildlife staff at Ryan E.S. in Lafayette;  B: Program at Lafayette Library for families and kids on birds and birdwatching;   C:  Bird-watching field trip on Coal Creek, Ryan E.S. 5th graders;   D: May 5 “Lafayette birds!” at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve (this program is held on the first Sunday of each month, May – Nov.)            . 



“ALL Careers” presentations at the Colorado conferences of DECA and Future Business Leaders of America – 2019.

Over the past couple years, I have been presenting programs on and advocating for the adoption of an “ALL Careers approach” to demonstrate that it is possible to forward environmental concepts in all careers and to empower students (especially in high school) to take this approach as they enter the work world.  (See other entries under recent projects.)   In February and April, 2019, respectively, I gave presentations on the ALL Careers approach at Colorado high school conferences of DECA and the Future Business Leaders of America, respectively.   Students came from all over the state and those that attended the 5 talks I did participated with excellent discussion during and after the sessions.



Ongoing work with Lafayette, Colorado Open Space – Summer – early Fall, 2018

For the past 5 years, I have worked with Lafayette Open Space to develop their Education and Outreach program.   This has included a variety of programs, written materials and displays as well as being a public face for Open Space in the field.   Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.

Summer, 2018.  Pictured: A: Tour of Beauprez Barn with Bob Beauprez;  B: Grandparents as outdoor mentors (outdoor session at Coal Creek followed); C:Nature photography session with Gerry Morrell;  D: Writing workshop with B.K. Loren at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve. 

Fall, 2018.  Pictured: E: History of human land use and how it affected local avian life;  F: “Flight at Night” Lantern Walk at Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve; G: 5th Annual “Celebrating Migratory Birds” festival at   Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve; H: “Open Space: A window into a living planet”.




Storytelling workshop at Cal-Wood Environmental Education Center – Nov. 2, 2018.

This workshop for the Cal-Wood staff built upon a similar event in February, 2018.  We continued to explore storytelling as a link between ancient tradition and the modern world and also discussed a number of strategies and approaches to storytelling to lend it most relevance and power.

Testimonial: “Martin’s workshop on storytelling was very beneficial to our staff. Now I believe they have more awareness of how they use storytelling as a way to teach and now can be more intentional in their use of stories. There were many ah-ha moments and great discussion of the power of stories.” Rachel Brooks, Curriculum Manager, Cal-Wood Education Center




“Making a Living and a Life” A new view of “environmental careers” – a program at Boulder High School, Boulder, Colorado – October 25, 2018.

This talk, for an environmental science class, was the latest among many such presentations for high school students.   The premise is that environmental knowledge and concern can be the basis for just about any career a young person is drawn to and suited for.  As author Richard Louv writes, “when people begin to consider the career possibilities of human restoration through nature, their eyes light up: here is a positive, hopeful view of the human relationship with the Earth, a way to make a living and a life.”




“How Can we Link Youth, Environment and the Economy?”  A public event at The Alliance Center, Denver, Colorado – October 23, 2018.                       

This event advocated for an “ALL Careers approach” of empowering young people to connect environmental principles with All Careers to create a sustainable world.  This event was attended by professionals in sustainability, education, business and non-profits and others.  The event concluded with discussion of ideas that were added to an initial list of specific steps to advance an “ALL Careers approach” in schools and other venues.

Testimonial   “What a thoughtful and idea-provoking conversation about how connections can be made between environmental education (EE) and any career a student might pursue! Coming from a focus on helping youth pursue a natural resource career, I learned a lot from the perspectives of Shelly Mahon from the Parent Engagement Network and Megan Jorgensen, sustainability coordinator from Snooze Eatery, in particular, about how environmental principals and practices are being applied across a wide variety of avocations. I’m excited to continue the connections and ideas generated by this event to highlight case studies and develop new methods in which we can connect EE with all careers.”    Lisa Eadens, Program Coordinator, Careers in Natural Resources Initiative, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education



“Helping Students Create a Better World Through ANY Career” – a workshop for teachers, parents and others at the Boulder Valley School District Education Center, October 3, 2018.

The purpose of this workshop was to demonstrate that it is possible to forward environmental concepts in all careers and to empower students (especially in high school) to take this approach as they enter the work world. The workshop provided 2 Continuing Education Credits for teachers and included discussion of ideas that were added to an initial list of specific steps to advance an “ALL Careers approach” in schools and other venues.




 “Making a Living and a Life” A new view of “environmental careers” – a program at Lyons Middle / High School, Lyons, Colorado.  September 13, 2018

This presentation, like many others I have given to high school (and other) students posited that environmental knowledge and concern can be the basis for just about any career a young person is drawn to and suited for.

Testimonial:   The All Careers approach is an exciting and thoughtful way of introducing students to the idea that any career can utilize environmentally conscious ideas.  From manufacturing, architecture, or city management, any aspect of careers can be focused on changing and helping the environment. Environmental principals and knowledge shouldn’t just be useful for students going into “environmental careers,” they should be important for students in ALL careers!”    Shannon Carheden, Science Teacher, Lyons Middle Senior High School, Lyons, CO



Ongoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space – Spring, 2018

Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.

Spring, 2018.  Pictured: A: Brisk walk at Outdoor Classroom Open Space, starting with stretches led by Rec. Center staff;  B: Intro to bird-watching in Lafayette – at JAX Outdoor Gear;  C:Ryan Elementary School 5th grade field trip at Coal Creek;  D: Storytelling after work project with Wilderness Restoration Volunteers at Coal Creek.





“Telling the Stories We Need” Storytelling Workshop – at Cal-Wood Education Center, Jamestown, Colorado.  February 20, 2018.

At this workshop, we explored how to make storytelling a link between ancient tradition and the modern world we live in.  We discussed and demonstrated a variety of hints and tools that enable novices to how to tap into the power and fun of storytelling and give those with more experience new perspectives for continually bringing storytelling to the work of education (and environmental education in particular). 

Testimonial: “I absolutely loved your workshop.   I loved learning about all the different stories we can tell – especially the Native American stories. All of the resources you gave us have been helping me re-build our Native American curriculum to be more authentic. Making the head band and using drums to help us shift our thinking and be present for the story was such a great tool. I used these for story telling of the Night Sky the next week and it worked great with the kids. Thank you so much for coming up to Cal-Wood!” – Morgan Frederick,  Field Instructor, Cal-Wood Education Center


“The Science Behind . . . A Living Earth” – a program at Walking Mountains Science Center, Avon, Colorado.  November 16, 2017.

This presentation, part of Walking Mountains Science Center’s community “The Science Behind” series, informed participants about the science and history of Gaia Theory as well as a perspective on how a wider public understanding and application of Gaia Theory could be instrumental to our society’s ability to address and solve modern-day challenges.   The program began with an introduction by Science Center staff that linked the presentation to local ecology and the two hour format enabled time for much discussion throughout the talk.

Testimonial:   “In 2016 Martin Ogle paid a visit to Walking Mountains Science Center to give a presentation to our staff about Gaia theory.  We were so impressed and inspired that we asked him back for another program open to the public.  Martin is well spoken, organized in thought, and very knowledgeable in his subject matter.  He involves his audience through a dynamic presentation that is easy to relate to, yet stimulating to the mind.  The connections he brings full circle can be appreciated by all.”  Kaitlyn Merriman. Community Programs Coordinator, Walking Mountains Science Center



Ongoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space

Pictured: A: Lafayette Birds (Monthly bird watching session at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve;  B: Program on Colorado mammals for Broomfield Open Space;  C: “Making a Living and a Life” – program on connecting environmental literacy with ALL careers;  D: Stream ecology program with Peak to Peak Middle School 6th grade.  These are among the many programs and resources being offered through Lafayette Open Space.   Lafayette groups and schools can contact me at to set up programs.



“Link Up Lafayette” – a community workshop. September 28, 2017.

This workshop brought together community leaders from a wide range of work, careers, concerns and issues with the intent of making new connections and having participants consider the value of doing so.  The event consisted of a variety of perspectives, information and activities to demonstrate: 1) how the health of human systems, just as any other system in Nature, suffers when there is breakdown in information flow between the parts; 2) the value of connecting diverse human creativity in a community; and 3) the value of connecting both information and emotional energy.


“It was a pleasure and a privilege to participate in Link Up Lafayette. Martin Ogle brought together a wonderful variety of public servants and community organizers to find the “sweet spot” of what makes us all tick: CONNECTION.  We pride ourselves on resourcefulness but in the reality of day to day addressing of needs we may inadvertently miss out on powerful collaborations!  Martin is a skilled facilitator and his expertise in sustainability gave us a unique perspective on service.  I feel inspired to be part of GAIA – the multifaceted and integrated ecosystem that includes people, nature and economy. NO MORE SILOS!”   Alyson B. Miller, Founder, Venture Growth, LLC 

 “I was moved by your presentation.  The unique links you made between place and people brought a “new scientific view and vision” of how to think about environment and connect it to everyday life. Your passion for connecting people to place inspired me.”      Zoya Elhassan, FLTI/CATCH Assistant,Sister Carmen Community Center

“Martin Ogle’s Link-up Lafayette workshop was a good opportunity to bring people together who share a passion for getting out of silos and finding ways to connect all the pieces of the big picture of sustainability.”    Susan Booker, Cultural Resources Coordinator, City of Lafayette, CO




“Making a Living and a Life; A new view of  ‘environmental careers.'”  – a talk and discussion with Boulder County Youth Corps working in Lafayette, CO.    July 20, 2017.

This talk and discussion explored how all careers can be guided by our understanding of the human relationship to Earth . . . “environmental literacy.”  The title, “Making a Living and a Life” (used by permission from author, Richard Louv) is a chapter title in Louv’s book “The Nature Principle.”  This book, and much of what Louv has advocated for since, makes connections between environmental literacy and all careers.   Consider the following words from one of Louv’s blogs:

“When people begin to consider the career possibilities of human restoration through nature, their eyes light up:  here is a positive, hopeful view of the human relationship with the Earth.  Many people would pursue such jobs, if career guides and other resources were available and widely known – and if these also described how any career can be molded in a way that restores both nature and human beings.” 



“Energy and Life” – a series of talks and field trips for the engineering department at Centaurus High School, Lafayette, CO, May 2-10, 2017. (This is the fourth year that I have done this program).

These programs were for six 9th grade engineering classes at Centaurus.   The indoor talk covered basic energy principles, a history of energy use by human beings, and how human energy systems fit in with and interact with Earth’s living systems.   The field trip was a walking tour to Lafayette’s Waneka Lake Park and Thomas Open Space which have been the site of the west’s largest power plant, coal mining and agriculture (which continues at the farm at Thomas Open Space).

Testimonial:  “Each year, my Centaurus High School Engineering students do a project on Energy, with the goal of thinking outside the realm of “Traditional Energies” and thinking more to the “Sustainable Energies of the Future”. Martin has worked with 100’s of my students over the years, and he does a terrific job of helping the kids understand the history of energy in human society, the current state of energy production and use (especially in relation to Earth’s living systems), and the possibilities for alternative energies in the future. These students will be voters, tax payers and engineers (among other careers) in a few short years, and it is extremely important that they are well versed on energy in our world. Martin Ogle helps bring this topic to life!”  – Nick Cady, faculty, Engineering Academy, Centaurus High School, Lafayette, CO



Sacred Circles; Universal Symbolism of Relationship to Earth – a public workshop at Three Leaf Farm, Lafayette, CO, Sun., April 30.

This 3 hour workshop explored how symbols and art help us understand our world and each other.  Symbols connected cultures around the world to the places on Earth from which they arose.   Understanding ancient motifs – and then creating our own symbols – can help us appreciate modern-day relationships between families, communities and Earth’s living systems.  The group then helped mulch and plant a circle garden at the farm and participated in a short ritual to consider the meaning of the four directions.

Testimonial:  “Martin Ogle led an informative and interactive workshop that delved into the way that humans relate to nature.  His educated, yet approachable style led to great discussions and explorations of the topic he presented”.  Sara Martinelli, Three Leaf Concepts / Three Leaf Farm



Geo sapiens:  A fresh look at humans, Earth & sustainability – a talk at the “Youth of the Earth/Earth Day Celebration” in Longmont, CO, April 22, 2017

This talk explored how thinking of ourselves as a seamless continuum of Earth could open up new doors to sustainable living.   As the talk followed a showing of the film “Green Fire,” which is about Aldo Leopold and the Land Ethic, it included some discussion about how a Geo sapiens view of life is a natural extension of the Land Ethic.  Sustainable Resilient Longmont ( is a local environmental group dedicated to improving the environment in Longmont and beyond.

Testimonial:  In his most recent talk, Geo sapiens, Martin combines colorful graphics, his own life stories, and information from history, geology, psychology, and ecology to support novel ideas regarding sustainability of our world.   Toward sustaining Life on this planet, he proposes the need for a new cultural narrative based on setting limits on ourselves and a new Earth Ethic.   Recognizing that human society itself is also an expression of a living planet, optimistically Martin suggests that our creativity, which derives from Earth’s own creative field, can be applied to meet the sustainability challenge.    Edna Loehman, Retired Environmental Economist, Purdue University




Ongoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space

PicturedA: Energy and our Lives Field trip for Centaurus High School;  B: Field trip to Coal Creek with Ryan Elementary School;  C: “Getting Kids Outside in Lafayette” – an evening program for parents at Lafayette Library;  D: “Brisk Walk” along Coal Creek (public program)

These are among the many programs and resources being offered through Lafayette Open Space.   See



Making a Living and a Life*; A New Perspectives on Careers  – talk and wrap-up keynote presentation at The Environmental Leadership Summit, Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO, April 7, 2017.    

This 2/3 day conference was an amazing experience – it was driven and organized by students in the Fossil Ridge High School sustainability club with guidance from Fossil Ridge counselor, Nick Petersen.  Students created an incredibly well-organized event with a wide range of speakers and attracted over 300 students from local high schools.   The positive, can-do attitude displayed by all involved was both heartwarming and awe-inspiring!   My role in this event was to talk about the connection between environmental literacy (understanding of how human systems fit in with Earth’s living systems) and ALL careers.  I suggested that if this connection was made an ongoing and integral part of young people’s lives that students would create a new economy through their careers, avocations and other work.   In the wrap up keynote talk, I further suggested that if this kind of event “went viral,” it could enable high school school students to be one of the most significant forces in the quest for a sustainable world.

* “Making a Living and a Life” is used by permission of Richard Louv.   This is a chapter title in his book The Nature Principle.”



storyearth“StoryEarth” – A thought-provoking stage performance at Univ. of Colorado’s Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex, November 9, 2016.

This performance combined epic storytelling and scientific discourse to ask some big questions. Can a symbiosis of story and science help guide us toward thriving, long-term human life on Planet Earth?  I teamed up with Master storyteller, Odds Bodkin, who told a lighthearted folklore tale and then a raw, powerful rendition of the ancient myth of Gaia. I asked the audience to juxtapose the adult interpretation of Greek myth with the newest scientific understandings of humans and Earth to conceive a new, emerging story.

Testimonial:  [StoryEarth was] highly entertaining for all ages.  Though I’ve been familiar with the Gaia principle for some time, this presentation brought me new scientific understanding and a deeper personal connection as well.  It was a masterful interweaving of science, down to earth practicality and mystical wonder.  I left with a feeling of inspiration.  It was amazing to me how the scientific images and explanations, the rich storytelling and the African songs all blended together to entertain, enlighten and inspire.  I was enraptured throughout the whole event.   Chris Rathweg, Engineer



o-s-photo-collage-for-website-pictures-nov-2016Ongoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space, Fall 2016

Pictured: A: “Stories of the Land” by Master Storyteller, Odds Bodkin, at Angevine Middle School  ; B: “Door to Imagination” storytelling workshop by Odds Bodkin at Pioneer Elementary School;  C: Evening family program at Coal Creek for Ryan Elementary School students;  D: Bus to Rocky Mountain National Park for Lafayette Senior Center

These are among the many programs and resources being offered through Lafayette Open Space.   See (Calendar on right of webpage) for upcoming programs.



workshop-image-walking-mtsWorkshop at staff retreat, Walking Mountains Science Center, Avon, CO  – October 17, 2016

This workshop – a morning within a full-day staff retreat for Walking Mountains Science Center – included talks, outdoor activities and facilitated discussion.  It employed the “Gaia Paradigm” to enable Walking Mountain staff to “Reconnect to our mission and each other.”  Topics considered included energy education, sustainability and entrepreneurship and staff collaboration.

Testimonial:  Martin facilitated an engaging experience for our staff retreat. His expertise on Gaia Theory combined with his passion for environmental and sustainability education truly energized us. Not only did we gain a greater understanding of how our day-to-day place-based work integrates with Gaia Theory, we made deeper connections with one another and developed creative new ideas for our educational program.    –  Kim Langmaid, Founder, Vice President, and Director of Sustainability and Stewardship Programs, Walking Mountains Science Center.

Evaluation comments from participants:

·         Martin Ogle was a great presenter. Interesting and dynamic. I thought that he shared a lot of interesting information with us and very intentionally connected Gaia to our mission and work.

·         Martin did an awesome job relating to a wide audience.

·         Mental stimulation! I liked that this retreat helped us connect to our mission, vision, and values through a more academic approach.

·         I enjoyed learning about Gaia Paradigm because it relates extremely well to our mission. I also enjoyed the conversations about how we can apply it to our work and our relationships with co-workers.

·         It gave me a lot of ideas and inspired me to collaborate more

·         Most valuable was connecting our day to day work to Gaia Theory and seeing the relevance of our place-based approach from a global perspective.

·         I thought it was an energizing day! I especially liked the post-presentation discussion among colleagues prior to lunch. Some very interesting and good ideas for applying the Gaia Theory to our organization came out of this conversation.

·         Martin did a great job of making Gaia Theory applicable to everyday environmental stewardship.

·         His presentation brought all of our departments together to discuss the foundation of why we are involved in the field of environmental education, whether we are teachers, coordinators, or directors. It was an inspiring spark for us to reignite our passion behind our mission.

·         I think Martin did a great job presenting a very interesting theory and helping make it relevant to our work and mission. I appreciate that he seemed to be familiar with our work.

·         Martin was a great speaker who kept us all very engaged. I would love to have him talk here again whether for staff or for the public.

·         I thought his presentation was thorough and very interesting. I enjoyed how he challenged our organization to be more influential and push boundaries within sustainability education.


lafayette-open-space-summer-2016-collageOngoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space

Pictured: A:  Fish sampling in Coal Creek with Colorado Parks and Wildlife; B:  Lecture on prairies at Lafayette Library by Steve Jones;  C:  Placement of display on Red-tailed Hawk produced by Pioneer Elementary School student; D:  “Lafayette Birds” birdwatching session at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve with bird expert, Ted Floyd.

These are among the many programs and resources being offered through Lafayette Open Space.   See (Calendar on right of webpage) for upcoming programs.


p1040415Keynote Presentation – Annual Conference of the Colorado Open Space Alliance – September 13, 2016

This talk, entitled “Inspiring Lands Inspiring People” explored inspiration in a number of ways to provide open space professionals new perspectives for land management, education and promotion of the lands we administer.




Lafayette Birds, 5,8,16 3Ongoing work with Lafayette, CO Open Space

Lafayette Birds,” a series of birdwatching opportunities at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve especially for beginning birders (adults and families).

This is one of the many programs that are now being offered through Lafayette Open Space.   See (Calendar on right) for upcoming programs.



P1010770Geo sapiens: Re-linking our community through connection to placeA 4 hour workshop at Sister Carmen Community Center in Lafayette, Colorado, Sat. April 30, 2016.    

This workshop brought people from many walks of life (youth, business, environment/ sustainability, art, non-profits and many more) in Lafayette and the rest of Boulder County. The workshop was based on the premise that all elements of our human communities are seamlessly connected to each other and to the places we live. The workshop metaphor “Geo sapiens” provides a framework in which participants sensed and drew upon the powerful interrelationships between people and the living systems of the places we live. Special emphasis was placed on finding local links between youth, business and sustainability, and a number of conversations have emerged around this theme since the workshop.

Testimonial: Centered on the interrelationships between community, business, and Earth’s living systems, Martin Ogle offered his concept of ‘Geo sapiens’ in an engaging community workshop. A short overview of the Gaia Paradigm provided a grounding framework for exploring thought-provoking ideas while a diverse group of participants contributed unique insights. Martin steered a fascinating discussion with purpose toward local action. I left the event with new energy to create, do, and be in the spirit of Geo sapiens and a broader, more complete expectation of sustainability.    Tom Hardie, Owner, Confluence Small Business Collective, Lafayette, CO

Testimonial: I attended a 4-hour workshop led by Martin Ogle and was fascinated by the profusion of concepts he so entertainingly presented. Before the workshop I had no knowledge of the Gaia theory, however listening to Martin illustrate this holistic paradigm, I felt as though innate truths were being illuminated. Since attending the workshop, I have enthusiastically told family and friends about the existence of the Gaia Paradigm. Four hours simply was not enough time; I could have stayed the weekend. My curiosity is sparked, my chi revived.    Karen Imbierowicz, Partnership Coordinator, Boulder County Parks and Open Space



P1010227Continuing work with Lafayette Open Space – Field trip at Coal Creek with 5th Graders at Ryan Elementary School on March 4, 2016.

This field trip explored the landforms and life of Colorado . . . and the interrelationships between the two! How does plate tectonics create landforms?   How does life affect plate tectonics? Much more!.



Workshop at 3rd st. centerWhy Gaia Matters: The application of science and metaphor to local and global sustainability – a 2.5 hour workshop at the 3rd Street Center in Carbondale, CO, February 18, 2016.

This workshop introduced the Gaia Paradigm and discussed/explored its application to the arts, entrepreneurship and governance.   This program was presented to students at Colorado Mt. College (sustainable business course) as well as the general public.

TESTIMONIAL:  It’s not every day that one meets a truly inspired, sincere and dedicated practitioner of Earth stewardship. I recently attended a workshop of Martin Ogle’s and was moved greatly by his passion, deep sincerity and commitment to preserving our Earth’s fragile ecology within the context of the human desire to develop our already limited natural resources.

In troubadour fashion he beautifully conveys the brilliance, beauty and complexity of nature. His “Gaia Paradigm” captures and puts a fresh light on the words of pioneering ecologist and inventor, John Todd: “It is essential our obligations as humans are not just to ourselves, but to all of life.”

People of all ages; especially our children, would benefit from understanding our symbiotic relationship to all things through the “Gaia Paradigm” and by using this invaluable knowledge to create environmental leaders of industry who value that interdependence.  Canadian Biologist, David Suzuki sees “a world in the future in which we understand that all life is related to us and we treat that life with great humility and respect.”  Martin Ogle’s workshop helps us envision and create this world.          Lisa DiNardo, Horticulturist/Arborist     

TESTIMONIAL: Martin has an open, all-inclusive demeanor that invites everyone into the space he creates, and he has a knack for helping people understand the importance and utility of the information he presents. In the “Why Gaia Matters” workshop, presented to the Roaring Fork Valley community on Feb 18, 2016, Martin enabled all 40 participants to answer this question for themselves, by linking their own values with the body of scientific evidence that so clearly establishes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things within the Earth system. As the Gaia metaphor itself, Martin does so much more than provide data:  he presents this startling information in a deeply compelling manner, via stories and analogies, so that the insights provided by Gaia Theory can have maximum, long-lasting benefit. Several months after his workshop, people in our community were still thinking about his visit and what they learned during our session with him. The time we spent with Martin was of concrete value both to our degree-seeking students and to lifelong learners in the wider community.        Adrian Fielder, Chair of Sustainability, Colorado Mountain College, Carbondale 

Hear also, associated radio interview –


 Martin Ogle at Frasier Meadows, slideGaia in Mind; A fresh look at Earth and Sustainability – 2 talks at Frasier Meadows Retirement Community, one in January, 2016 and one in February, 2016. 

A talk introducing the Gaia Paradigm and its application to sustainability, entrepreneurship and more.   The Gaia Paradigm is the confluence of the best scientific understanding of Earth as a single, living system with cultural understandings of human society as a seamless continuum of Earth’s life.  Watch video

TESTIMONIAL:  Martin Ogle’s presentation on the Gaia Theory is thought provoking to any listener and combines an excellent presentation in both content and delivery with selected quotes and data. One of the very best presentations I have ever seen.    –  John P. Harris  PhD, Engineering Science; retired



P1010174“The Rock Spoke;” Stories that connect us to Life, Science, and Life Sciences  – Storytelling programs at Louisville Elementary School, February 25 and 26.

These programs use stories as the basis for understanding our human relationship to nature, connecting the insights and understandings of our ancestors to modern, scientific discoveries.



Highland City ClubGaia in Mind; Human consciousness and the ecology of Planet Earth – a presentation at Boulder’s City Club, November 12, 2015.

An exploration of the interface between our human mind and the life of Earth. How do we affect the ecology of this planet through our sense of place, our sense of time and progress, our distinction (or conflation) of efficiency and conservation, our view of what entrepreneurship is, and our general approach to sustainability?   Watch Video  



P1120061Gaia Paradigm; The Confluence of Earth Science & Earth Story Presentation at the Boulder Bioneers conference, October 24, 2015.

This presentation posited that the Gaia Paradigm – or something like it – might be necessary for our society to move in sustainable directions. That is, there must be a confluence of our newest scientific understandings of Earth as a living system with the stories that move and motivate us. 


Energy Bike, LES, October 2015Energy Program at Louisville Elementary School – October 20, 2015.

This was the 4th year that I presented “Energy and Life” for Louisville E.S. 4th graders. What fun – especially with the amazing energy education tool, the “energy bike!” This presentation explores the basics (and learning standards) of energy, but in the context of how energy moves through living systems of Earth, including human systems.



SUNY Cortland, Oct, 2015The Land Ethic & Gaia Paradigm; The co-evolution of two great ideas –  at S.U.N.Y. Cortland, October 8, 2015.

This presentation was given to 2 university classes and members of the public / university community. Like similar presentations and workshops I’ve given on the Land Ethic and the Gaia Paradigm, this talk suggested that we need both of these great bodies of knowledge and thought because they complement each other not only with their similarities, but also with the different time and geographical scales they speak to. View notice


 Storytelling Workshop for Lafayette Rec Storytelling workshop with Lafayette Rec Center Staff – August 15, 2015.

Storytelling has been a big part of my work over the years – telling stories as part of programs and camps; hosting storytellers such as Odds Bodkin; and, recently, helping organizations harness the power of storytelling themselves.  At this workshop, we explored the power of storytelling, hints for and elements of storytelling, made a storytelling headband (pictured) and more.



P1080816Work with Lafayette Open Space.

Since early 2014, I have been working with Lafayette Open Space helping them develop their new education and outreach program. This has included: 1) presenting and arranging a variety of programs, some indoors at Lafayette Library and many outdoors at various Open Space properties; 2) developing display panels that have been placed in the Outdoor Classroom Open Space and, soon, along Coal Creek; 3) developing a self-guiding pamphlet for use at Waneka Lake and nearby Open Space properties; and more.



P1090987Aspen Center for Environmental Studies – Summer, 2015.

For the past 4 summers, I have helped ACES control non-native plants, construct trails and otherwise maintain and improve a 160 acre property called “Spring Creek.” This property was formerly a fish hatchery and was donated to ACES to be used for environmental education.







Opening talk for all-day Earth Day activities at Shining Mountain Waldorf School  in Boulder Colorado – April 22, 2015.

This talk introduced Gaia Theory to students and faculty and suggested that our biggest challenges for advancing sustainability include making our underlying cultural narratives compatible with emerging, scientific understandings of Earth as a living system  AND the creation of a new economy.  These themes were further explored with breakout and whole-group discussion sessions after which students spent their day outside.

TESTIMONIAL: “Balancing images with ideas, and humor with profundity, Martin Ogle gave us all a glimpse of how humanity once viewed the world, and how we yet might.  As a professional educator, it was a great privilege to see such a master teacher in action.  He engaged our students with passionate enthusiasm and humble sincerity, inspiring them to work out their own answers to the many open questions to which he directed their gaze.  His presentation to our 8th-12th grade students, followed by breakout discussions and a final whole group sharing which he led, began our Earth Day 2015 celebrations.    To get a sense for our community, our intentions, and what would best serve our audience, Martin met with our planning team in advance of our event, and continued to engage in dialog over e-mail.  My only regret was that we had not scheduled more time with Martin to enrich and deepen our reflections.”  Matthew Messner, High School Math and Science Teacher, Shining Mountain Waldorf School



Presentation for the CO Alliance for Environmental Education

 Keynote Presentation – Annual Conference of the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education – March 28, 2015.   Watch VIDEO

This talk, entitled “Geo sapiens;  The Earth-Wise Environmental Educator,” challenged educators to incorporate interdisciplinary context and perspectives that reveal  human society as a seamless continuum of a living Earth.  Special emphasis was placed on encouraging EE practitioners to apply our environmental knowledge to the challenge of creating jobs and careers that fundamentally change our human relationship to Earth’s living systems.

TESTIMONIAL: “Recently, Martin Ogle presented the keynote presentation at the annual Teaching Outside the Box conference for the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education. His engaging presentation style and thought-provoking topic was incredibly well received by the audience. He spoke about Gaia Theory and the role of environmental education in helping to create new human systems compatible with Earth’s living system. I heard people talking about the presentation numerous times throughout the day; clearly, Martin had a powerful impact on conference attendees.”  Deb Matlock, Vice-president of the Board, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education

TESTIMONIAL:  “At the CAEE conference in Denver this March, Martin Ogle delivered a talk call “Geo-Sapiens.”  In a series of vignettes, Martin skillfully demonstrated the physical relationship between Geology, Biology and humans. Linking architecture to the relationship between land and people, highlighting the use of Biomimicry in our conscious emulation of nature, pointing out the use of fall lines for powering mills and noting the similarities of human physiology to Earth systems, Martin drove home the fact that humans are and always have been a  “seamless continuum of a living Planet.”  The use of beautiful photography especially that which linked Earth systems to those in the bodies of organisms (bogs/livers, capillaries/ deltas, glands/oxbow lakes, cell membranes/Earth’s atmosphere) was not only inspiring but also left this viewer with a lasting visual impact. Martin’s presentation style, combining serious topics with humor and inspiring visuals will stay with me for a very long time!”   Rose Banzhaf, Environmental Educator



Boulder County United Nations AssociationTalk with the Boulder County Chapter of the United Nations Association – February 19, 2015.  

I made a short presentation and then had discussion with members about the need to actively engage with indigenous cultures from around the world to bring their perspectives, beliefs and ways of living into the conversation on sustainability. This is an important part of the evolution of a new cultural narrative for our own society. 





noticing lafayette“Noticing Lafayette” – February 19, 2015.

A public program for Lafayette Open Space, this program featured a new project called the “Lafayette Observation Journal.” The journal is a collection of one-page journal entries about local human and natural history, events and occurrences of note, etc., and is on permanent display at Lafayette Public Library.



Shining Mt Waldorf School Logo


“The Gaia Paradigm and its implications for sustainability in Boulder County” – February 18, 2015. A presentation and discussion with local professionals in education, open space, climate studies, etc. about the Gaia Paradigm.  Program was held at the Shining Mountain Waldorf School in North Boulder. 




CU Biomimicry

“The Gaia Paradigm and Biomimicry” – February 12, 2015. A presentation and discussion with the CU Biomimicry Club ( Purpose was to introduce the “Gaia Paradigm” and its relevance to the 2015 Biomimicry Challenge (




Teacher workshop, Summit MS, 2014November 11, 2014 – Teacher Workshop at Summit Middle School, Boulder C0, The “Gaia Paradigm: Context and Connection Point for Interdisciplinary Education

This workshop explored how viewing human history and activities as part of Earth systems provides a valuable context for developing interdisciplinary education.  Math, science, literature, art and other subjects were discussed and linked through the centering concept of the Gaia Paradigm.




Front Range Bioneers, 2014


November 8, 2014 –  “The Gaia Paradigm: Blending Science, Culture and Activism”  – Front Range Bioneers Conference, Boulder, CO


This presentation explored new perspectives on activism and entrepreneurship based on understanding human systems as a seamless continuum of Earth’s living system.


October 11, 2014 – The Land Ethic and the Gaia Concept; a Powerful Synergy for our Living Earth!

Retzer Nature Center, Waukesha, Wisconsin – An all-day workshop for environmental educators and others that explored the synergies between Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic and the “Gaia Paradigm.”  These ideas have some common roots and have the potential to contribute to a new “Cultural Narrative” that compels a symbiosis between human systems and the rest of Earth’s living system.

TESTIMONIAL: “The Gaia Paradigm will guide the investigation of connections between human society and the earth, and will suggest more harmonious functioning of human systems and institutions. I believe it will be a break-out theme for community organizations, academic departments, nature centers, activist organizations, units of government, and business groups. It has certainly contributed to our understanding of place at Retzer Nature Center, and to seeing our larger place in the world. . . . I recommend most enthusiastically the excellent Gaia Paradigm programs presented by Martin Ogle, as a way of adding substantively to our understanding of our environment, of sustainability and quality of life, now and in the future.”      – Larry Kascht, Nature Center/Naturalist Supervisor, Lead Teaching Naturalist, Retzer Nature Center



July, 2014 – “Geo sapiens: The Earthwise Human – a talk at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery

This public presentation explGEO SAPIENS, FCMOD, 7,14ored the intersection of recent insights into Earth as a living system with cultural narratives, ancient and new, of human beings as a seamless continuum of Earth.

TESTIMONIAL: “Martin Ogle spoke at the Fort Collins (Colorado) Museum of Discovery for our evening adult presentation series, Dialogs in the Dome.  Martin’s presentation style, content and storytelling were a perfect match for our audience and for our unique digital dome presentation space.  The vignettes presented thought-provoking context for a broader, new worldview which inspires both outside-the-box thinking and practical awareness. Since the presentation, I have noticed my mind exploring back to the paradigm Martin left us, referencing his Geo sapiens frame of thought, as I look at and wonder how I can be more deeply aware of the world around me.”   Holly LeMasurier, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery


June, 2014 – “The Gaia Paradigm and Sustainability” – An all-day workshop for George Mason University graduate students.

Held at Potomac Overlook Regional Park in Arlington, VA for a summer graduate course on sustainability.  This workshop involved lectures and indoor and outdoor activities.

GMU Gaia and sustainability workshop 2        GMU Gaia and sustainability workshop


June, 2014 – Presentation at the Trans-Atlantic Research and Development Interchange on Sustainability


I presented a talk entitled “Geo sapiens; The Synergy of Science and Culture for Sustainability” to a group of engineers, economists and others from the United States and Europe.  The term “Geo sapiens” (and another term,  “cultural narrative,” were much discussed and cited during the conference.TARDIS TITLE SLIDE 3


Energy Education with Clean Energy Action (CEA)

With the “CEA Energy Bike”

Spring, 2014 – Energy Education with Clean Energy Action (CEA) – Using the “CEA Energy Bike”  –  I conduct programs for 4th – 12th graders to help raise the energy literacy of our society.  In a time when energy is, perhaps, the most cross-cutting issue we have to grapple with, it is imperative that our society make  wise energy decisions based on an interdisciplinary understanding of how energy fits in with Earth’s living system!

P1030401     High Energy Event, May 28, 2014


Weekend Retreat at Shambhala Mountain Center – March 21-23, 2014


“Gaia; Engaging the Rhythms of a Living Planet”

This retreat explored new understandings of Earth and our relationship to Earth and the implications for managing the frantic pace and disconnections that modern culture imposes upon us.   The weekend included walks, talks and discussions and a visit to the Great Stupa at Shambhala Mountain Center.  We discussed the parallels and synergies between Buddhist symbols and other symbols from around the world that describe our human relationship to life as a circle and four directions.SMC Retreat Collage


Work with City of Lafayette, CO, Open Space to launch an education and outreach initiative – November, 2013 – Present

Work includes establishment of program series, educational displays, acquisition of educational materials and more.

(Photo: January 16 kickoff program at Lafayette Public Library)P1020496


“Earth Learning” followed by “Energy and Life” – two presentations that placed energy lessons in the context of Earth as a living system – Louisville Elementary School, 4th Grade – October, 2013 and November, 2013.   The first presentation was an assembly for all four classes of 4th graders and included imagery on the big-screen with narrative and music, as well as a Native American story of how we are part of a living planet.    The second presentation was an interactive exploration of energy concepts presented to smaller groups.  It centered on how human systems and other natural systems are on the same energy path powered by the conversion of the sun’s energy through photosynthesis.  It featured the “Energy Bike” that students pedal to convert their mechanical energy to electricity that runs a variety of lightbulbs and small appliances.  Energy transformation, energy efficiency, energy conservation and more . . . all within the context of understanding our living planet!

 Gaia, Earth Science, Louisville Elementary School, 10, 2013    P1010864


Gaia Theory Presentation, Basalt (CO) Regional Library– August, 2013

“. . . His presentation also provided interdisciplinary support for the Gaia Theory, not only through science, but also philosophy and myth.  As a result, his presentation was not only thought-provoking but heart-warming.At a time when so much of our public conversations seem filled with dissention, acrimony, and the inability to find common ground, I think we need Martin Ogle’s message. His message of our Living Earth and deep interconnection can provide a platform for positive dialogue, new vision and creativity.  So, do yourself and our planet Earth a favor…invite Martin to speak in your town or to your group.   Priscilla Richards, Librarian       Basalt Regional Library, CO


Gaia Theory Presentation, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies – August, 2013

Gaia Theory Presentation at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies

Gaia Theory program -Aspen Cntr. for Environmental Studies

Presentation for Clean Energy Action, Boulder, CO’ Global Warming Solutions Speakers Series –  “Oikos, Gaia, and Earth Systems Science; Our Planet’s Blueprints for Human Energy Systems – August 2013  (


Land stewardship and related work for Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (Building of patio area for preparation of medicinal plants; non-native plant removal) – June and July, 2013.

ACES Patio, 2013 2

Patio constructed for medicinal plant preparation

From Land Organism to Gaia; The Land Ethic Evolving – presentations on the similarities and synergies between Aldo Leopold’s “land ethic” and the “Gaia paradigm.” Presented for:

  • The Urban Ecology Center, Milwaukee Wisconsin ( on June 19, 2013
  • The Waukesha County (WI) Green Team ( on June 20, 2013
Energerium, Potomac Overlook Regional Park

Energerium, Potomac Overlook Regional Park

The “Energerium” – A suite of nature center displays (covering one floor) interpreting human energy systems as part of the living systems of Earth. This was one of Martin Ogle’s last projects before he retired from his position as Chief Naturalist of the No. Virginia Regional Park Authority.

  • Developed all of the themes and content for this display suite and worked with the company “DesignMinds” to bring it to fruition.
  • This display suite accompanied many other energy related features at Potomac Overlook Regional Park (Arlington, VA) including working solar hot water and electricity systems, large-scale energy efficiency renovations and an active energy education program.

“A Dream of Gaia” – A dramatic performance at the Artisphere in Arlington, VA, July 2011.

  • Presentation included storytelling, music, and narrative of the metaphor and science of Gaia.
  • Over 200 people in attendance.
  • From a review by Lisa Marie Thalhammer, Artisphere Education Programs Director: “In this wonderful performance about the relationship between humanity and Earth, Ogle magnificently transformed scientific theory into enchanting stories and artistic rendition that expanded our understanding of the physical world.”

Gaia Theory Presentation at Denver Museum of Nature and Science, January, 2013 – an overview of Gaia Theory for a group of staff and volunteers at the museum and some invited members of the public.

Martin at Louisville Elementary School

Martin at Louisville Elementary School

Energy, Gaia Theory, schoolyard education, fossils/geology, and “general science” presentations at local schools, September 2012, April, 2013 – Louisville Elementary School, Summit Middle School and Watershed School, Boulder.

Children and Nature presentation for the Colorado Parks and Recreation Association, May 2013 – This presentation was about not just getting kids outside, but the kinds of activities and techniques that encourage kids to slow down and experience the pace of nature. Storytelling, solo spots, unstructured play and other such things were discussed and demonstrated!

Adjunct Professor of Sustainability – Mr. Ogle has just been hired to teach “ENV 710: Sustainability: Policy and Practice” at Naropa University, Fall semester, 2013.

Clean Energy Action – working with this non-profit group to advance youth energy education in Boulder County, January, 2013 – present.

Moderator, Weekend retreat discussion on the development of the Four Seasons Project, Shambhala Mountain Center – November, 2013

Posted by on Nov 21, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on Moderator, Weekend retreat discussion on the development of the Four Seasons Project, Shambhala Mountain Center – November, 2013

Moderator, Weekend retreat discussion on the development of the Four Seasons Project, Shambhala Mountain Center – November, 2013

Environmental and land management professionals gathered at SMC to guide the development of a new emphasis on celebrating, understanding and caring for the land that makes up this 600 acre retreat. The Four Seasons Project will include programming, attention to resource management, and other activities in synergy with the overall mission of the Shambhala Mountain Center. Shambhala Mountain Center has long been a place for people to practice meditation and other inquiries into the mind and spirit. But it is also a particular place on Earth...

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Fall Semester, 2013 – Adjunct Professor, Naropa University, “Sustainability; Policy and Practice”

Posted by on Oct 14, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on Fall Semester, 2013 – Adjunct Professor, Naropa University, “Sustainability; Policy and Practice”

Fall Semester, 2013 – Adjunct Professor, Naropa University, “Sustainability; Policy and Practice”

About the Course This graduate level course on sustainability is a unique approach that combines much of the history and widely used approaches to sustainability with the contemplative education model that Naropa is well known for. This approach allows for the incorporation of elements of human nature and human-scale needs that are often difficult to address in other contexts. About the Program [From Naropa.Edu] The Master of Arts in Environmental Leadership degree prepares the next generation of innovative thinkers, organizers, and activists...

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July 2013 – The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education

Posted by on Jul 15, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on July 2013 – The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education

July 2013 – The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education

The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education (July, 2013) A 3-hour workshop for Denver area school teachers (K-8) that explored ancient understandings of Earth through symbols and stories and modern understanding of Earth through Gaia Theory. The take-home message was that ancient symbols, used in conjunction with modern Earth system science provides a needed context for successful interdisciplinary education. Workshop included demonstrations and art activities. Testimonial from Participants “My...

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July 2013 – Intro to Gaia Theory and Its Implications for Interpretation

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on July 2013 – Intro to Gaia Theory and Its Implications for Interpretation

July 2013 – Intro to Gaia Theory and Its Implications for Interpretation

An Introduction to Gaia Theory and its Implications for Interpretation (July, 2013) A 3-hour workshop for Boulder City Open Space and Mountain Parks volunteer interpreters. This workshop was 2/3 indoors and 1/3 outdoors, with a lecture as well as activities and discussion about activities to communicate Gaia Theory and/or add a “Gaian / Land Organism bent” to traditional nature interpretation. Testimonials from Participants “Very interesting and relevant. Outside activities were excellent.” “Lots of ideas and resources and things to think...

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June 2013 – Energy and Life; Energy in Context

Posted by on Jun 15, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on June 2013 – Energy and Life; Energy in Context

June 2013 – Energy and Life; Energy in Context

Energy and Life; Energy in Context (July 2013) A 1.5 hour lecture and discussion on energy education and the importance for establishing context for understanding energy. History of human energy use, problems associated with the kinds and scale of modern energy use and how energy works in living systems were all explored. Tiffany Boyd 4th Grade Teacher, Louisville Elementary School (Louisville, CO) As educators and citizens, we are fortunate to have Martin Ogle in our community as a mentor and fellow citizen of this planet! He is passionate...

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June, 2013 – From Land Organism to Gaia; The Land Ethic Evolving

Posted by on Jun 1, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on June, 2013 – From Land Organism to Gaia; The Land Ethic Evolving

June, 2013 – From Land Organism to Gaia; The Land Ethic Evolving

Two presentations on the similarities and synergies between Aldo Leopold’s “land ethic” and the “Gaia paradigm.” Presented for . . .

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February 2013 – Gaia Theory Workshop at Boulder City (CO) Open Space and Mountain Parks

Posted by on Mar 1, 2013 in Recent Projects | Comments Off on February 2013 – Gaia Theory Workshop at Boulder City (CO) Open Space and Mountain Parks

February 2013 – Gaia Theory Workshop at Boulder City (CO) Open Space and Mountain Parks

Gaia Theory Workshop, Boulder City (CO) Open Space and Mountain Parks Interpretive Staff, February, 2013 An overview of Gaia Theory and examples of activities and topics that can be used in interpretation of natural history in Boulder County. Lynne Sullivan Interpretive Naturalist, City of Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks Martin Ogle’s recent move to Colorado represents an exciting addition and resource for the local interpretive naturalist community (and all other educational institutions). Martin is a highly skilled and seasoned...

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