The Inherent Value of Now

Consider the joke about a city-slicker who was driving down a rural road on his way to a meeting when he happened by a certain farm. As he drove by the house in the early afternoon, he saw the farmer sitting on the porch smoking a pipe. The city-slicker was amazed and a little indignant that the farmer should be lazing there with so many hours left in the day. He drove up near the porch and...
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On the Evolution of “Community Ecology Centers”

Come take a tour with me. See that family enthralled with a snapping turtle? The ancient reptile fans its webbed feet and meets the kids nose to nose at the aquarium glass. Check out this exhibit on local real estate and community events. While we’re standing there, a delighted child whooshes down a slide past a mural of a local stream. Over on the bookshelf, titles on local human and natural history are interspersed with novels, classics, games and puzzles. Take notice of the people coming and going – business executives, teenagers, families from across the socio-economic spectrum, and groups from all over the city are constantly in and out …[Read More]

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July 2013 – The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education

The Circle and 4 Directions; An Earth Scientist’s Hints for Interdisciplinary Education (July, 2013) A 3-hour workshop for Denver area school teachers (K-8) that explored ancient understandings of Earth through symbols and stories and modern understanding of Earth through Gaia Theory. The take-home message was that ancient symbols, used in conjunction with modern Earth system science provides a...
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July 2013 – Intro to Gaia Theory and Its Implications for Interpretation

An Introduction to Gaia Theory and its Implications for Interpretation (July, 2013) A 3-hour workshop for Boulder City Open Space and Mountain Parks volunteer interpreters. This workshop was 2/3 indoors and 1/3 outdoors, with a lecture as well as activities and discussion about activities to communicate Gaia Theory and/or add a “Gaian / Land Organism bent” to traditional nature interpretation....
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June 2013 – Energy and Life; Energy in Context

Energy and Life; Energy in Context (July 2013) A 1.5 hour lecture and discussion on energy education and the importance for establishing context for understanding energy. History of human energy use, problems associated with the kinds and scale of modern energy use and how energy works in living systems were all explored. Tiffany Boyd 4th Grade Teacher, Louisville Elementary School (Louisville,...
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